site preparation

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Nov 132006

After several months of delays, our contractor has started to make things happen, and prepare the site for the foundation construction. We’re getting into the rainy season now, so the town of Fairfax insisted that we put erosion control measures around the site. There is a large half-pipe set into the ground above the site, making a ditch so that runoff from up the hill gets captured and directed around the site. There is also jute netting on the ground surface around the edges of the excavation area.

Other site prep measures include the construction of the wood-and-gravel stair up the left side of the property, plastic sheeting and sandbags to prevent erosion, surveying and placement of stakes to mark wall and house location, work with utilities companies to bring temporary water and power from underground connections in the street, and a sewer hookup to the edge of the property from the main sewer in the middle of the street.