The last two weeks have been rather nerve-wracking, as the enormous Dixie Fire has moved north and west towards my cabin in Mill Creek. When we got the evacuation warning, Jen and I headed up there, packed valuables and furniture, and brought it all home. This spurred a monumental burst of home and storage reorganization, but I digress…

The fire grew relentlessly north towards Chester, twenty five miles east of us. Fire crews managed to protect the town, however the fire jumped Highway 36 and proceeded north into Lassen National Park, and west towards Highway 32. We watched as the burn expanded from 100,000 to 500,000 acres, generating pyro cumulus clouds big enough to cause lightening.

A lightening storm struck Morgan summit about a week ago, less than four miles north of the cabin, and started a secondary fire that expanded toward the cabin.

Fire crews were able to hold fire lines at Highways 89 and 36, so the north flank never got less than two miles away, however winds out of the northeast pushed the main fire towards Mill Creek. Satellite maps show hot spots a quarter of a mile away from the cabins two days ago.
The video up above was recorded that night from Mill Creek. Fire crews from the San Jose Fire Department (and others) were in our community, while northeastern winds pushed the fire across the Mill Creek plateau, across the river and above us. The fire wrapped around the south side of the cabins, and we were burning on three sides. However, the crews up on the plateau have been able to keep the fire from entering the Mill Creek canyon, which is full of old growth timber and becomes inaccessible to the west of the community.
This morning, it appears that miracle has occurred — the wind is shifting around to the southwest, and pushing the fire back on itself. The activity and the heat have dropped dramatically, as shown in these four daily heat maps

I think we’ve made it. I am endlessly grateful to the fire crews and all their hard work. And deeply grateful to all my friends and energy workers who have brought prayers, intentions and respectful relationship to all the elements in play here. The land, wind and fire spirits have blessed us, allowing our community to live on in this beautiful place, with our local forest of big trees, the creek and the fish, the deer and bear, squirrels and chipmunks, Stellar’s jays and crows.
Yet the fire burns on, and will take weeks (or months) to fully contain. As of today, it has grown to over 700,000 acres, destroyed 1225 structures, and is only 35% contained…after burning for 37 days. We aren’t even into the worst part of the fire season yet, rains are still two months away. The Lassen area is forever changed by it, at least, for my lifetime.
5 Responses to “dixie fire dance”
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Glad you got your stuff out and you and Jen are safe. I think this, unfortunately, is a reality we of us who live near the beauty of nature must face now, our ecosystem has dramatically and permanently changed and we now have to find new ways to cope and manage and balance it in our minds and how we approach everything we do. This is heavy on my mind lately too. All the best to you both.
Oh my, what a tale! Very glad you, Jen and your cabin are safe — that you had time to pack up plus get your valuables and selves out. As always, your descriptions, photos and graphics paint a vivid picture. May conditions remain favorable for the fires to diminish. Never thought we’d be living in the middle of an “Age,” like the Ice Age, Stone Age, Iron Age, etc. But here we are. Wonder what this one will be called.?
With much love .
So very frightening. I am glad to hear that you & Jen are safe, that you were able to rescue your furniture & belongings & that thus far your cabin is OK. I have been holding you & all of those in the fire’s path in prayer. I know that you more than most have a very intimate relationship with fire. I hope that i will see you sometime soon as it has been such a long time. Be well & be blessed.
I feel Nancy played a large part in protecting you and this beloved cabin!
Thank you for sharing your story, Tom. Reading your words, I feel a deep sense of hope for my family cabin facing the Caldor Fire near Kyburz.