Even though I’ve studied energy work for eight years, I realize I haven’t written much about what I’ve been learning, and how it’s changed my life. In 2016 I quit my career as a software architect, and now lead a very different existence. So let’s talk about human energy fields, and some “basics” that enable energy work. If you want to learn about universal and human energy fields, I recommend starting with Hands of Light, by Barbara Brennan.
First, understand two things:
Energy follows Attention. Wherever you place your attention or thoughts or will-power or intentions, energy will move.

Our personal space is sovereign to us. One of the gifts of incarnating into a human body is that our human energy field, our auric space, is ours to manage however we wish. Generally, this extends a few feet in all directions from our body, although some systems map a much larger field.
I will also add that I believe in reincarnation, and my personal belief system is buddhist. Some of that training will undoubtably seep into how I share this!
When I studied with my first energy class teacher, Lynda Caesara, she taught a five-step process for clearing and orienting our system and preparing ourselves for energy work, or indeed preparing ourselves for anything. Lynda has no web presence, however she did a podcast in 2023 and an online class on Basics that I strongly recommend if you want to learn more. This Basics process is rumored to come from the Rosicrucians, and is taught at the Berkeley Psychic Institute and perhaps other places. I’m sharing it with you now, with deep gratitude to Lynda and her teaching. (Feel free to contact me if you want to study with her; there is a two-year wait list to get into her classes which start every September).
The Basics
Grounding is connecting our personal energy system to something larger than ourselves, giving ourselves a stabilizing feeling. Usually, we ground to the earth however we can also ground to water, air, or large objects. I’ve found ground in the nighttime sky, for example.
Grounding energetically happens through the body. Thought and intention are necessary, but ultimately it is your “light body” or energy system that grounds. Deep grounding comes in as an embodied “felt sense” or feeling. So dropping into your body is helpful before grounding.
I use visualization to ground to the earth. Our minds can help us connect to feeling. First notice your spine, with large vertebra near the bottom. Follow it down to feel your pelvis, then down to your leg bones in the center of your legs, and feet bones. Follow your spine up to ribs, clavicle, shoulder and arm and hand bones, then up through your neck to your skull. Your body rests on this framework of bones, made of earth materials, in resonance with the earth. Allow yourself to feel that.
Then notice the planet we are on, the faintly-curving horizon falling away in all directions, immense, giving a felt sense of the size of the earth, the weight of soil and rocks giving a feeling of density. Allow the felt sense of earth and ground come in through your feet and your butt, remembering your body is made of the same elements as the earth, and let the resonance between your body and the planet bring in the feeling of grounded connection.
Me/Not Me
Once grounded, the second step is sorting out what is ours and not ours in our personal energy system. Use your name as a mantra to call in all the bits of our energy that are elsewhere, and push anything out of our field that is not yours. You can release energetic (fiber) attachments from others, for example, or other people’s projections, expectations, and attachments to us
This practice can be challenging, as it’s sometimes difficult to sort out what is and what is not us. Family expectations, behaviors from the patterns that we run, habits we developed from childhood — these all take time and vulnerability to identify. Chant your name a few times, and see how the sounds resonates with the felt sense of you. Focus on your felt sense of yourself, and allow that which is not you to fall away, absorbed into the ground to be composted and converted into life energy for earth.
Now, notice and strengthen your auric boundary, an arm’s length away from your body in all directions, above and below and behind you too. This is your sovereign space. You strengthen it by noticing it and placing attention upon it.
Feel free to color and decorate your personal bubble so it truly feels like you. I personally like mid-century modern furniture, and spacecraft sensor and control panels 🙂
The center of your body’s energy system is a column that runs in front of your spine, from your perineum to the top of your head. We call this the “core”. There are seven chakras or energy centers distributed along this column. (There are additional chakras above and below your body and in your joints, but we’re not going to focus on them, to keep things simple.)
Your core is essentially your energetic identity, containing seven kinds of intelligence and awareness. Some people have a naturally strong core, which helps them to have a strong sense of themself and what they are feeling at all times. Others have a core that is more ephemeral, or perhaps “wobbly”, allowing their sense of themself to collapse under stress. Some of us naturally orient towards other people’s feelings and experience, and in turn have a less strong sense of our own.
Like all things, attention brings energy and strengthens our core. It has a felt sense, and we have a felt sense of ourselves emanating from it. Our core is where we ground to the earth, and connect to whatever feels spiritual or divine, including our essence. We are the meeting place of grounding from below and divine from above, in our core. At the center of the chakra system, behind our breastbone, is our heart chakra, where we find compassion and love for ourself and others. So breathe into your core, allow yourself to feel your full range of identity and awareness and capacity, your body’s “gut sense” of the world around you, and your heart awareness as well as your mind.
The final step is to balance our chakras, which can be energetically strong or weak, overdeveloped or underutilized, and/or extend in front of or behind our body. One by one, scan and breathe into your seven chakras, feeling the special awareness and capacity and unique felt sense and intelligence that each provides. Start with the root chakra, and proceed upward through all seven to reach the crown.

In addition to these chakra descriptions, I feel that the first chakra represents our identity, the second is a source of power and vitality, and the third is the seat of willpower. Our heart chakra is the seat of compassion, our fifth chakra is the center of communication and hearing and music, and our sixth is the place of vision and imagination. Breathe several times into each chakra to feel and clarify what it does, noticing overactivity or under activity. Again, our attention moves the energy.
Here is a short guided Basics meditation I recorded for a friend.
You have now completed the five steps to being in your Basics. It can take just a couple of minutes, and with practice can come in almost instantaneously. Practicing daily will help stabilize your system, expand your awareness through your heart and body, and help you notice some of your energetic habits. For example, you may find you leave your body frequently, or feel others’ experience more easily than your own, or use your willpower to do everything. I’ll post another article soon about patterns 🙂